Welcome to GPB Sheet Metal Working


The company's significant experience acquired in the field of cold metalworking, avant-garde technology and a flexible structure, have allowed the company to meet the specific demands of clients with quality products and short delivery times. Thanks to a manufacturing philosophy geared towards maximum professionalism and skill, G.P.B. guarantees clients high standards of quality, punctual delivery and maximum collaboration for the development of new products.


Carbon Footprint Reduction

Date of declaration: February, 2025

 Base Year - 2019Most recent Year - 2024 with EAC
Scope 1 emission in Tons 74 71
Scope 2 emission in Tons 150 0

Our CO2e intensity (per unit of sales) was reduced by 74% from 2019 to 2024
Our target is to reduce CO2e intensity (per unit of sales) by 50% by 2025

Main implemented actions to reach this result:

• Energy efficiency (LED, variable-speed drive air compressor)
• Onsite solar panel
• Electricity Purchased from 100% Renewable Energy

Quality Control

G.P.B. is certified
in accordance with



Fiber laser cutting

Thanks to the innovative Fiber Laser, we are able to guarantee high quality and high precision products.




attivita h

La G.P.B. esegue lavorazioni di particolari in ferro, acciaio, alluminio, rame, ottone e bronzo con stampi a blocco progressivi e transferizzati. I pezzi vengono realizzati attraverso operazioni di tranciatura, stampaggio, piegatura, imbutitura e rifilatura, a cui si aggiunge l’assemblaggio mediante saldatura e ribaditura.


Sheet metal punching

Metal punching is one of the most ancient processes in the history of metalworking and involves placing a tool called a punch against an object and pushing it against a mould or shape, so that the object acquires the desire characteristics.



Main Machines Available

macchine disponibili homeA large and complete machinery fleet allows G.P.B. to internally perform all production phases. The G.P.B. machinery fleet consists in friction presses from 20 to 250 t for cutting and press forming; hydraulic and mechanical presses for deep drawing; welding and riveting machines, useful for the assembly of finished parts; numerically controlled machines for production.


Sheet metal cutting

Sheet metal cutting is one of the fundamental processes in metalworking. Our company has special purpose machinery which is today capable of performing all operations requested for any type of process, including the use of numerically controlled machines.



Our Services

The specialised sector, in which G.P.B. boasts over thirty years of experience, is sheet metalworking. Skilled and expert staff guarantee a number of services and perform activities such as press forming, cutting, bending, punching, using latest generation and numerically controlled machines.

Sheet metal bending

Sheet metal bending is performed with the aid of a bending machine, making it possible to provide essential forms to manufactured products, which will then be used by industry to create all types of products.



Request information

  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  Phone: 035 885139
  Fax: 035 884797
  Street Kennedy 11 - 24040 - CISERANO (BG)
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